martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

mother of tereza of Calcutta

Mother Teresa de CalcutaMADRE TERESA DE CALCUTTA 1910-1997 Beatification: 19 October, 2003 " We do something beautiful for the Señor" The Mother Teresa taught to us with her example a to live the Gospel authentically Who is Jesus for the Mother Teresa " Oscura" night; of the Mother Teresa, (They see my light

The Mother Teresa, founder of the Misioneras of the Charity, was alive testimony of love to Jesus Christ by her total delivery to serve to him in " but poor between pobres". Its example has been a challenge to brings back to consciousness of the humanity. In a time marked by the rebellion, the Mother Teresa strongly defended the fidelity to the teaching of the Church, the sanctity of the human life, the family and the moral. She taught the true dignity to us of the woman becoming mother of all. She taught to us that the greater she found it poverty not in the suburbs of Calcutta but in the rich countries but when lack the love, in the societies that allow the abortion: " For my, the nations that have legalized the abortion are but poor, they are scared to him to a boy nonborn and the boy has morir" - Mother Teresa, M.C. In New York, in 1995 she proposed: " If you know which does not love the boy, that it is scared to him to the boy, say to him that the one to me of. "


A SMILE A smile in the lips cheers our heart, it conserves our good humor, it keeps our soul peacefully, it invigorates the health, it embellishes our face and it inspires good works. We smile to the sad faces, timid, ill, known, relatives and friendly. We smile to him to God with the acceptance of everything what I sent to us and we will have the merit to own the radiating glance of its face with its love by all the eternity. The words of Christ are very clear, but we must understand them like one living reality, as it proposed them. When the hunger speech, it does not only speak of the bread hunger, but hunger of love, hunger of being included, of being wanted. It experimented what is to be rejected because it came between theirs and theirs did not want it. And it knew what is to be only, left, and not to have to anybody his. This hunger of today, that this breaking lives anywhere in the world destroying homes and nations, speaks of not having home, not only a quarter with ceiling, but the yearning of being accepted, being dealt with compassion, and that somebody abra our heart to receive to which it feels left. - Mother Teresa, M.C.

escoji wing mother tereza of Calcutta by is a noble woman fighter and very to ejenplar

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